Glomalin and Conservation in Humboldt County The 1996 discovery of the soil glue glomalin is changing our understanding of the impact of elevated carbon dioxide, while giving important clues to forest health, watersheds, revegetation, wildfire and carbon sequestration. Here I share what I have found so others may read and draw their own conclusions, and relate it to my own experience, Humboldt County issues and stories from the news.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

116. Power of Authority 

Power of Authority
Redwood Reader has clearly demonstrated the role of glomalin in watersheds (#.Our Shrinking Watersheds) and followed the invisible trail until we could explain what happens to glomalin impaired watersheds. (Cumulative Impacts #106 and Legacy Damage #115) by accumulating a preponderence of evidence that illustrates, demonstrates and illuminates the role of glomalin destruction in salmon recovery.Evidence pours in supporting these arguments from many directions and old information gains new relevance under new recognition. One example is found in Mushrooms Demystified, where the author reports a type of fungi that attach pupae, then extend their mycelium, dend up a fruiting body and disappear. It was a leap from AV mycorhizzia, now another to many fungi in the soil web contributing to the root zone water storage system, and illustrating biodiversity contributing to the stability of the infrastructure of their environment.
Recent PBS broadcasts on the TAll Grass Prairie work at Kanza and Seeds both illustrated glomalin knowledge at work without realing it. Kanza explained the rooting system, subsoil cameras, some of the universal issues such as carbon and water and explained harvesting the production of the land with animals, like Smith and his pigs in the acorns. They understand the importance of sustainability, have substituted fire for the ground breaking of huge herds of grazers, and found an acceptable level of harvest that maintains the functioning natural system while enhancing it for maximum production. This has got to come to timber. CO2 Science this week shows river flows in Europe have hardly changed over hundreds of years regardless of wet and dry times. The flow is regulated by the glomalin zone. Most of Europes wars were not fought nthe mountainous watersheds, and the work of man has already influenced glomalin reservoirs in the agricultural and developed areas. This work indicates again low flows are the result of general root storage capacity destructio, and a balance of land use and water retention..
The Seeds program showed repeatedly round clumps of soil stuck together with many hanging over spaces. We see seeds penetrating between the clumps and roots interacting with them. These are great topsoil and glomalin visuals especially compared to the few glomalin photos on line.
Another article in Yahoo about Australian scientists tracking duterium in rainfall indicated evapotranspiration from trees was resposible for much of the rainfall in the Amazon. THis supports earlier articles about droplet formation being caused by organic tree emissions. It also gives us a tracking tool for investigating California fog bank and storm formation.
Another item about gas drilling in Colorado reminded us that huge glomalin deposits have been flooded or buried in ancient times, and these must be represented in the fossil fuel story. Subsurface mineral right owners are enforcing theri claims, and the landowners only recourse is "excessive damage." Common knowledge of glomalin could be a decider in these kinds of issues. Not in the article, but relevant, is the fact that some of this drilling hopes to be paid for by hundred million dollar projects to pump CO2 deep into the earth, with admittedly no sure guaranty of what will happen as a result. We need that stuff and know exactly what to do with it. Dont spend the dough on that bad idea.
The article in Nature about mans influence on the landscape would not have been published as news, since all our interactions with the landscape start at glomalin. We would be noting dust a result of widespread deglomalization (new word!). We note the old inch of soil a millenium myth is as useful as the seven seedlings do more for the forest than one large tree. Topsoil grows. Duff protects the subsurface and is not the critical issue in tilth.
In an odd yet gratifying way I saw the glomalin team has discovered the bioremediation of Potentially Toxic Metals was predated by a decade from the myclogists Stamens and Dan Wheeler. They also discoursed on the abilities of each species with its own enzyme to break down a soecific molecular compound in their environment. This helps confirm my sources. And these probably also contribute to the glomalin budget.
Locally, tomorrow the regional Water Quality Control Board is deciding the fate of a new batch of Timber Harvest Plans and the downslope and downstream neighbors are seeking relief. PL is standing on the "best available science beyond the letter of the law." Clearly the law needs new science. How do we make that happen?
The importance of glomalin in the landscape cannot be over emphasized. Decision makers need to have this easy to understand concept firmly in hand. Eventually it will be taught in grade school as part of the water cycle. Meanwhile the implications in every kind of development as an opportunity, an opportunity cost or as a warning of potential problems specifically foreshadowed. Who has the authority to impose new thinking on such a xast scale? Redwood Reader followers starting from the beginning will have laser sharp insight that blitzs through much ignorance. As such it is a tool of the widest importance.
Equally powerful is the knowledge that watersheds are grown, and what the consequences of ignorance are. Here we need authority on the world stage, not politically but in terms of development prescriptions we can share that increase water availability through glomalin management, and protect people from landscape failure.
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